Settings → Edit playlist
Navigation keys, Select, Back
Here you can connect your playlists from the XEEV Playlist Editor. If you don't have an account and / or playlist yet, visit our website for more information.
Our service does not offer any content. You have to upload the playlist yourself and then connect it to the app here. Click on the PLUS symbol to generate an "APP CODE". In the XEEV Playlist Editor you can connect this CODE to one of your playlists. Further information can be found on our website under "FAQ & GUIDES"
Then select the playlist in the app and click the Select (OK) button. The playlist created in the XEEV Playlist Editor is now loaded. It can take a few minutes. The playlist is now automatically synchronized with the XEEV Playlist Editor. You cannot determine the time for the synchronization yourself. This is provided by our system.
You can now adapt a playlist connected to the editor to your needs. By clicking again on the playlist you get into the "Edit" mode. Here you can
You can set the following:
Navigation buttons, Select, Back
Here you can make settings for this app.
Some settings only take effect after restarting the app. It is recommended to restart the app after making adjustments.
The app has two different views. Classic live TV view (standard) & EPG-Grid view. The EPG grid view has been introduced in version 2.1.0. We recommend trying this view. Deactivate the setting "Use classic Live TV layout" to use the EPG grid view. You can also deactivate the home screen and go directly to the live TV view when you start the app. If you have activated the "Play last channel" setting, the last channel will be played directly on the full screen.
Possible settings:
Navigation keys, Select, Back
Homescreen is only displayed if you have defined it in the settings.
In the home screen you have several tiles for navigation. Possible entries:
Live, Movies, Series, Recordings
Depending on what your playlist contains, the tile is displayed or not.
In the upper right corner you will see an icon for setting and one for changing the playlist (profile). The symbol for changing the profile is only displayed if you have several valid playlists.
In the middle area you can see movies and series that you have started to watch but not until the end. With a long click on the entry you can remove it from this list
Below you can see the most recently added movies and series. Clicking on the entry takes you directly to the content
Navigation keys, Select, Back, Menu
Here you can find the list of your live TV channels.
By clicking on the "LEFT", "MENU" or "BACK" button, the menu will be displayed where you can select the categories and navigate to other areas. For mobile devices, you should tap the group's title. Navigate with "RIGHT" to close the menu. With mobile devices you tap on the area outside the menu to close it.
At the top left you can click the "SEARCH" icon to start searching for channels. On mobile devices you will also find an icon in the toolbar to switch between full screen and list view.
In the right area you can see the preview of the selected channel and the EPG information.
To start the stream, click on the channel in the list to start the preview and then again to switch to full screen. You can do this by pressing and holding the "BACK" button.
You can get further options by long clicking on a channel entry. Depending on whether the recording function is activated, you can start the recording here. If the channel has TV archives with the provider, you can start this show from the beginning. Here you can mark the channel as a "favorite" and unmark it. With mobile devices you can start the detailed EPG information.
To see the detailed EPG information of the channel mark the channel in the list and press the "RIGHT" button. A list of past and future shows will be shown to you. If the channel has TV archives. Can you navigate to a show in the past and start by clicking. You can get further options by long clicking on a show entry. Depending on whether the recording function is activated, you can start the recording here. You can also set and delete the reminders here.
To get to the homescreen (if it is activated in the settings) press the "BACK" button until the home screen is displayed. If you have deactivated the home screen, you will be asked to confirm closing the app
Navigation keys, Select, Back, Menu, Play, Fast forward, Rewind
This view is not suitable for mobile devices.!!!
Here you can find the list of your live TV channels. In an EPG time line. By clicking on the "MENU" or "BACK" button you will see the menu where you can select the categories and navigate to other areas. Navigate with "RIGHT" to close the menu.
At the top left you can click the "SEARCH" icon to start searching for channels.
In the upper area you can see the preview of the selected channel and the EPG information.
To start the stream, click on a live event of the channel in the list to start the preview and then again to switch to full screen. You can do this by pressing and holding the "BACK" button.
Navigation keys, Select, Back, Menu, Play
In the full screen of the player you can switch back to the list view by clicking on the "MENU" or "BACK" button. If the info bar is displayed, it is closed first with the "BACK" button. Click again to display the list view. The list view can also be opened by pressing the "DOWN" and "UP" navigation buttons.
For mobile devices you will find a back button in the top left corner. From the list view you can switch back to the full view by pressing and holding the "BACK" button.
You will find several buttons in the infobar. Left to right it is
1. Restart the stream
2. Navigate the channel back
3. Pause/Play stream
4. Navigate the channel forward
5. Stream settings
If the focus is in the EPG section (not the buttons at the very bottom) or the infobar is hidden, you can navigate the channels forwards and backwards using "LEFT" and "RIGHT" buttons.
Long press the "PLAY / PAUSE" symbol to start the first external player with the stream. VLC is currently the first external player. By clicking on the "Settings" symbol you can select the audio and subtitle tracks. This setting will be permanently saved for this channel and used when you restart.
Navigation keys, Select, Back
Here you can find the list of your movies. You can change the sorting in the settings.
By clicking on the "LEFT" (When the focus is in the first column), "MENU" or "BACK" button, the menu will be displayed where you can select the categories and navigate to other areas. For mobile devices, you should tap the group's title. Navigate with "RIGHT" to close the menu. With mobile devices you tap on the area outside the menu to close it.
By clicking on a poster you get to the detailed view of this movie. The list is displayed again with the "BACK" button.
You can search by clicking on the "SEARCH" symbol in the toolbar. You also get the focus on the "SEARCH" symbol when the focus is in the last column and you click on "RIGHT"
Navigation keys, Select, Back
Here you can find detailed information about the selected movie.
Click on "PLAY" to play the movie. If available, you can start the trailer by clicking on "TRAILER". In the trailer view you can go back with the "BACK" button.
The "STAR" symbol marks this movie as a favorite and vice versa. If you have started the movie, it will be marked as "Unseen". "Click on the" EYE "symbol to reset it
Navigation keys, Select, Back
The operation in the series overview is the same as in the movies overview
Navigation keys, Select, Back
The operation in the series detail view is the same as in the movies detail view. Here you can click on the season and view the list of episodes. You start the episode by clicking on an episode.
We have integrated two different build-in players. Standard Android EXO Player and VLC Player. Here are the pros and cons of these players:
EXO Player (advantages)
EXO Player (disadvantages)
VLC Player (advantages)
VLC Player (disadvantages)
It is not easy to give a recommendation. It differs depending on the device and playlist. However, we advise you to try EXO Player first.